
Smart Shipping Tip #1 – Change the Ship-To Address

Change the ship-to address

Did you know that the shipping label can contain a wealth of information to an otherwise nondescript package? Even if you send merchandise in a plain brown box, you may be indicating as to the contents in an indirect manner.

The shipping label contains the destination address. Most people do not think about it but the this address may allude to the contents of the package. It does not take a scholar to guess that there may be something valuable in a package addressed to “Kevin’s Jewelers” or “QVC”. The smart shipper learns to mask these names. “Kevin’s Jewelers” should be changed to “KJ” and “QVC” could be changed to “Liberty Media” (their parent company)  or “LM”.

If someone happens upon a box and they can guess what is inside there is a higher possibility that the box can “grow legs” and walk away than if the box gives no indication as to the contents. A plain shipping box is the safest way to ship.

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