eReport One
An article by shipsurance
We are proud to announce the wide availability of our “eReport One” reporting software solution. eReport One allows Shipsurance customers to easily insure their shipments send from FedEx ©Ship Manager©, UPS© WorldShip©, Stamps.com©, and Dazzle©.
Windows© users can insure their shipments with little setup time and zero overhead. All you need is a direct Shipsurance account. More details can be found here: https://www.shipsurance.com/technology
Benefits include:
- “Hands Free” reporting of your insured shipments.
- Electronically transmits insured shipments to Shipsurance.
- Ability to create manual paper and export reports for internal record keeping.
- Insured shipments are listed in real time via the Shipsurance Management Center website.
- Pick and choose the specific shipments that you want to cover.
- Connects to Dazzle©, FedEx© Ship Manager©, Stamps.com©, and UPS© Worldship©
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