
FedEx Delivery Signature Update

Per an email received by FedEx, they will be obtaining physical signatures upon deliveries starting September 15, 2021.

Their complete email is:

As we continue to support the global supply chain, we’re committed to keeping customers, team members and your packages safe. We will reinstate effective September 15, 2021 our physical signature requirements for paid, premium signature services and commercial deliveries* across the U.S. for the following signature types:

• Adult Signature Required (ASR)
• Direct Signature Required (DSR)
• Indirect Signature Required (ISR)

The reinstatement of signature requirements applies to shipments delivered by FedEx Express®, FedEx Ground®, FedEx Home Delivery®, FedEx Freight®**, FedEx Office® and FedEx OnSite locations.

*If a signature service option is not selected by the shipper, and the recipient at a commercial delivery location refuses to sign for a shipment, the driver may enter the recipient’s first initial and last name and write “C-19” in place of the recipient’s signature.

**If the recipient at a commercial or residential delivery location refuses to sign for a FedEx Freight shipment, the driver may enter the recipient’s first initial and last name and write “C-19” in place of the recipient’s signature.


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